Positively Radiant

Today marks day eight after THIS hospitalization  inpatient after complications from my breast reduction and tummy tuck. I pretty much spent all of October and now the beginning of November in the hospital with complications.  My breasts were a size K and now mine are apparently a D cup. This has been a VERY hard procedure for me but the end result will make it all worth it.

If the cultures come back negative then I may be able to go home as early as Thursday. That would be amazing to sleep in my own bed and stop these IV antibiotics which are killing my stomach but I am anxious, I will admit because there still a very hard area over my lower stomach that feels like it’s not healed and I hope that it doesn’t turn red and get infected again and need antibiotics. I am praying it is just Inflammation that will heal itself. 

But this is not what this is about.today I want to highlight something unless such a positive impression on me even with all I am going through. Firstly one of my friends from Louisiana who has stage four metatastic cancer in her spine which affects 14 different vertebrae in the spine was able to go scuba diving in Hawaii. I am so proud that she was able to push through and enjoy the trip. To have the perseverance that stage four cancer to carry the heavy scuba equipment just is an amazing feat. Jackie this one goes out to you and I praise God in your name.

Today, I met this amazing nurse who took me on a short walk in the hallway as you’re encouraged to get up and she had monogrammed on her nursing uniform the phrase positively radiant. When I asked her about why she did that she said she wanted to give all of her patients hope. Well thank you, because you gave this mama lots of hope. Hope that I will see my daughter soon. Hope that my husband and I will see each other soon and Hope that I will be once again normal. 

Currently, I feel like an episode of botched if you’ve ever watched that show on cable. My case is long as bad as my breasts are really nice except one of them that split open so I have to wait and see what wound care says about that I am available and is infected along with my lower abdomen. But the antibiotic seems to be taking care of that.

This whole process is taught mee huge lesson in patience. Aaron likes to say to me that I took the short in or the easy way to work my goals but I refuse to believe that is the truth he is because this has brought forth a ton of suffering and pain that I did not expect for an infection. 

Had I done it all over, I would’ve done the two separately because over five hours is just too much for my body to be under anesthesia And now I’m committed to a lifetime of blood thinners, but my hematologist and tell me if I can work hard and get off the oxygen that I should be able to go scuba diving next summer which is a big wahoo! 

For fun, here’s some of my favorites of underwater shots, thanks to Caitlin Hale and I took some.



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