
God is Good All the Time.... and ALL the time He is Good Never STOP running the race..... NEVER stop learning!  To say that the last few months have been easy would make me a liar, but I have held on knowing God would heal me, move mountains so that Katie can attend a school, whether online or in person, that fits her special needs (and He has answered every prayer). Since there has been so much sickness with me because of surgeries I had, I pray that I can stay well so that Aaron's stress goes down and we have a peaceful and happy time when his mom comes to visit for Christmas.  I came across something I wrote in January this year when life was tough. I thought I would share it in case anyone else can use these words of wisdom about their marriages.  Choose to understand that love isn't always a feeling. Many days love will be a choice. It's a choice to press through and learn to enjoy the fragile blend of both the bliss and disappointment of two people sustaining a family

Positively Radiant

Today marks day eight after THIS hospitalization  inpatient after complications from my breast reduction and tummy tuck. I pretty much spent all of October and now the beginning of November in the hospital with complications.  My breasts were a size K and now mine are apparently a D cup. This has been a VERY hard procedure for me but the end result will make it all worth it. If the cultures come back negative then I may be able to go home as early as Thursday. That would be amazing to sleep in my own bed and stop these IV antibiotics which are killing my stomach but I am anxious, I will admit because there still a very hard area over my lower stomach that feels like it’s not healed and I hope that it doesn’t turn red and get infected again and need antibiotics. I am praying it is just Inflammation that will heal itself.  But this is not what this is I want to highlight something unless such a positive impression on me even with all I am going through. Firstly one of my frie