
Showing posts from June, 2010

No news yet....just a lot of anxiety...

This week will be a month since we submitted our Russian dossier docs.  We ask that you continue to pray for us as we await word on our little one. Last week, I chose a renowned International Adoption Pediatrician to evaluate the medical records once we receive a referral for a little baby girl.  Since the language and medical terminology is so different in Russia, this is almost a must have when adopting internationally.  We are SO blessed that out of about a dozen International Adoption Clinics in the country that we're located just about 45 miles from one and they offer a lot of services after we bring our little princess home also.  It also put us at ease that Dr. Staat is an adoptive mother of three children herself.  This month will be a relatively busy month for us and then on August 12th Aaron and I will celebrate our four year wedding anniversary.  We're trying to plan a little getaway the week after that just for a long weekend because we know once we do bring this li

Overdue on posting, but finished Dossier, now we wait....

I have to say that I am not the most patient person, but this has really taught me patience....this whole adoption process.  I've recently read many people's blogs and they say it really is ALL worth it in the end when you walk through the door to your home with your child!  So, our first dossier is complete and should be in Russia by now.  Now, we just wait for a referral.  The first step, as I understand it, once they receive your documents is for them to be translated into Russian.  Then, they have to be sent to region in Russia where you will then receive a referral.  Some people get lucky, but for most, this process takes 3-5 months from the time your documents are submitted.  That would put us at getting a referral (info on our baby girl) at around the September/October time frame.  Our agency still thinks we could get our little one home before Christmas!!!  We're praying for that...and that we can be a family of three before or by Christmas this year.  We certainly